
1. Introduction

Setting line height in WPS is a helpful feature that allows you to adjust the vertical spacing between lines of text in your documents. Whether you want to increase the line spacing to improve readability or decrease it to fit more content on a page, WPS provides simple and easy-to-use tools to help you achieve the desired line height.

2. Accessing Line Height Settings

To adjust the line height in WPS, follow these steps:

2.1 Setting Line Height for a Paragraph

If you want to change the line height for a specific paragraph, first, select the paragraph by clicking and dragging the cursor over the desired text. Then, follow the steps below:


Go to the "Home" tab in the toolbar.

In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Line Spacing" icon. It looks like a small arrow pointing up and down.

A dropdown menu will appear. Select "Line Spacing Options..." from the menu.

A "Paragraph" dialog box will open. In the "Indents and Spacing" tab, you will see the "Line spacing" section.

Under the "Line spacing" section, you can adjust the line height by selecting the desired value from the "Line spacing" dropdown menu. You can choose from options such as "Single," "1.5 lines," or "Double." You can also enter a specific value in the "At:" input box.

Click the "OK" button to apply the changes.

2.2 Setting Default Line Height for All Paragraphs

If you want to set a default line height for all paragraphs in your document, you can do so by following these steps:

Go to the "Home" tab in the toolbar.

In the "Paragraph" group, click on the small arrow located in the bottom right corner.

A "Paragraph" dialog box will open. In the "Indents and Spacing" tab, you will see the "Line spacing" section.

Under the "Line spacing" section, you can adjust the line height by selecting the desired value from the "Line spacing" dropdown menu. You can choose from options such as "Single," "1.5 lines," or "Double." You can also enter a specific value in the "At:" input box.

Click the "Set As Default" button to apply the changes to all new documents. Click the "OK" button to apply the changes to the current document only.

3. Practical Tips for Setting Line Height

Here are some practical tips to consider when adjusting the line height in WPS:

3.1 Consider Readability and Document Type

When setting the line height, consider the purpose and audience of your document. For documents with long paragraphs of text, a slightly increased line height may improve readability. On the other hand, documents with short bullet points or tables may benefit from a slightly decreased line height to fit more content on the page.

3.2 Avoid Excessive Line Heights

While adjusting the line height can enhance readability and aesthetics, using excessively high line heights can make the text appear disjointed and difficult to skim. It is recommended to keep the line height within a reasonable range.

3.3 Experiment with Different Line Heights

Before finalizing the line height for your document, it's often helpful to experiment with different options to find the one that works best. WPS provides a wide range of line spacing options, allowing you to fine-tune the appearance and readability of your text.

3.4 Watch for Compatibility

If your document needs to be shared with others who use different word processors, it's important to consider compatibility. While WPS offers various line spacing options, other word processors may interpret line heights differently. To ensure compatibility, it is advisable to avoid very specific line height values and stick to standard options.

By following these tips, you can effectively set line height in WPS to improve the overall readability and appearance of your documents.



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