win11 右键新建怎么删除和增加

1. Introduction

Win11 has introduced several new features and enhancements. One of these features is the ability to customize the right-click menu for creating new files and folders. In this article, we will explore how to delete and add items in the right-click menu for creating new files and folders in Win11.

2. Accessing the Context Menu

To access the right-click menu for creating new files and folders, you need to right-click on an empty space in the File Explorer or on the desktop. This will open the context menu with various options, including "New".

3. Deleting Items from the Right-Click Menu

If you want to remove specific items from the right-click menu, you can do so by editing the Windows Registry. However, it is recommended to create a backup of the Registry before making any changes.

win11 右键新建怎么删除和增加

3.1. Opening the Registry Editor

To open the Registry Editor, press the "Windows key + R" to open the Run dialog, type "regedit", and press Enter.

3.2. Navigating to the New Menu Settings

In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:


3.3. Deleting Specific Items

Under the "New" key, you will find various subkeys representing different items in the right-click menu. To delete an item, simply right-click on the subkey and select "Delete".

3.4. Refreshing the Right-Click Menu

Once you have deleted the desired items, you need to refresh the right-click menu for the changes to take effect. This can be done by restarting the File Explorer or signing out and signing back in to your user account.

4. Adding Items to the Right-Click Menu

If you want to add custom items to the right-click menu, you can do so by creating new keys in the Registry.

4.1. Opening the Registry Editor

Follow the steps mentioned in section 3.1 to open the Registry Editor.

4.2. Navigating to the New Menu Settings

In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:


4.3. Creating New Items

To add a new item, right-click on the "New" key, select "New", and then choose the appropriate option based on the type of item you want to add. For example, to add a folder, select "Key".

4.4. Naming the New Item

Give the new item a name that represents the type of file or folder you want to create. For example, if you want to add a new Text Document, name the new item "Text Document".

4.5. Configuring the New Item

After creating the new item, you can configure its properties and actions by modifying its default value and other subkeys under it. This will determine what type of file or folder will be created when you select the new item from the right-click menu.

4.6. Refreshing the Right-Click Menu

Just like when deleting items, you need to refresh the right-click menu for the changes to take effect. Restart the File Explorer or sign out and sign back in to your user account.

5. Conclusion

Customizing the right-click menu for creating new files and folders in Win11 can help improve productivity and streamline your workflow. By removing unnecessary items and adding frequently used ones, you can tailor the right-click menu to your specific needs. Remember to be cautious when making changes to the Registry and always create a backup before proceeding. With these steps, you can easily delete and add items to the right-click menu in Win11.


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