PE Explorer(软件汉化工具)反编译教学

Certainly! Here's the structured web article on "PE Explorer (Software Localization Tool) Decompilation Tutorial":


Introduction to PE Explorer

PE Explorer is a powerful tool used primarily for software localization and reverse engineering. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of decompiling applications using PE Explorer.

PE Explorer(软件汉化工具)反编译教学

Understanding Decompilation

What is Decompilation?

Decompilation is the process of translating compiled binary code back into its original source code form. It allows developers to understand how an application works without access to its original source files.

Why Use PE Explorer for Decompilation?

PE Explorer offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features designed specifically for analyzing and modifying executable files. Its robust set of tools makes it a preferred choice among developers and reverse engineers.

Getting Started with PE Explorer

Installation and Setup

To begin decompiling with PE Explorer, first download and install the software from the official website. Follow the installation instructions provided by the setup wizard.

Opening an Executable File

Launch PE Explorer and open the executable file (.exe) you wish to decompile. Navigate to the 'File' menu, select 'Open', and browse to locate your file.

Decompiling an Application

Analyzing Code Sections

Once the file is open, PE Explorer displays various sections of the executable, including headers, resources, and code sections. Navigate through these sections to locate the area of interest.

Extracting and Modifying Resources

PE Explorer allows you to extract embedded resources such as images, strings, and other data from the executable. You can modify these resources directly within the tool.

Advanced Tools and Features

Scripting and Automation

For advanced users, PE Explorer supports scripting and automation through its powerful scripting engine. This feature enables batch processing and customization of decompilation tasks.

Binary Editing Capabilities

Besides decompilation, PE Explorer provides robust binary editing capabilities. You can modify binary files directly, enabling fine-grained control over executable content.


PE Explorer is an indispensable tool for software localization and reverse engineering tasks. By decompiling applications, developers gain insights into their functionality and can make necessary modifications efficiently.


This article provides a structured guide to using PE Explorer for decompilation, highlighting its key features and functionalities without the use of an

tag, adhering to the specified format.



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