
Introduction to Changing Units in Bartender

Bartender is a popular application used for managing and customizing the menu bar on Mac computers. One of the many customizable features within Bartender is the ability to change the units of measurement. Whether you are tracking weather data, monitoring system performance, or managing any other form of data that requires unit measurement, Bartender allows you to tailor the display to your preferences.

Steps to Change Measurement Units in Bartender

Accessing Bartender Settings

To begin customizing the units of measurement in Bartender, you first need to access the application’s settings. This can typically be done by clicking on the Bartender icon in the menu bar and selecting 'Preferences' or 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.

Navigating to the Units Section

Within the Bartender settings, look for a section specifically related to units or measurement settings. This section may be labeled differently depending on the version of Bartender you are using, but common terms to look for include 'Units,' 'Measurement Units,' or 'Preferences.'


Selecting Your Preferred Units

Once you are in the correct section, you will be presented with options to select your preferred units of measurement. This can include units for temperature (e.g., Celsius, Fahrenheit), distance (e.g., kilometers, miles), and other relevant metrics depending on the data Bartender is displaying for you. Choose the units that best suit your needs by clicking on the appropriate options.

Examples of Changing Units in Bartender

Changing Temperature Units

One common use case is changing the temperature units from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa. To do this, navigate to the temperature settings within Bartender, and select the desired unit. This will update the temperature displays throughout the application to your preferred unit.

Customizing System Performance Units

Another example is modifying the units used for system performance metrics. If Bartender displays data such as CPU usage, memory usage, or network speed, you can choose to display these metrics in units that are most useful to you, such as MB/s for network speed or percentages for CPU usage.

Benefits of Customizing Measurement Units

Customizing the units of measurement in Bartender enhances the usability and relevance of the data presented. It allows you to view information in a format that is familiar and convenient for you, leading to better data interpretation and decision-making. Additionally, it helps in maintaining consistency across different applications and devices, especially if you use different systems that require specific units of measurement.


Changing the measurement units in Bartender is a straightforward process that can significantly improve your interaction with the application. By accessing the settings, navigating to the units section, and selecting your preferred units, you can customize Bartender to better suit your needs. This customization ensures that the information displayed is in the most useful and understandable format for you, enhancing your overall experience with the application.


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