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Setting up EQ-Doubling Combination Effects in AU




Setting up EQ-doubling combination effects in AU (Audio Units) can significantly enhance audio quality and clarity in digital audio production. This guide explores how to effectively configure these settings to achieve optimal sound output.


**Understanding EQ-Doubling**

What is EQ-Doubling?

EQ-doubling refers to a technique where multiple EQ (Equalizer) settings are layered or combined to achieve a desired audio effect. In AU plugins, this involves utilizing EQ parameters in a strategic manner to enhance specific frequency ranges without compromising overall audio balance.

Advantages of Using EQ-Doubling

Enhanced Frequency Control

By combining EQ settings, audio engineers gain finer control over frequency response. This allows for precise adjustments tailored to the characteristics of different audio sources, such as vocals, instruments, or ambient sounds.

Improved Audio Depth and Clarity

EQ-doubling can enhance the depth and clarity of audio recordings by accentuating desired frequencies and reducing unwanted noise or resonance. This results in a more polished and professional sound output.

Setting Up EQ-Doubling in AU

Plugin Selection

Choose an AU plugin that supports multiple instances of EQ. Plugins like FabFilter Pro-Q 3 or Waves Renaissance EQ are popular choices due to their versatility and advanced EQ capabilities.

Layering EQ Instances

Start by inserting the AU EQ plugin on the audio track or bus. Duplicate the EQ instance to create multiple layers. Each EQ instance can target specific frequency bands or apply different filter types to achieve the desired tonal balance.

Adjusting Parameters

Fine-tune each EQ instance by adjusting parameters such as gain, frequency, and bandwidth (Q-factor). Experiment with different settings to find combinations that enhance the audio quality without introducing phase issues or distortion.

Monitoring and Refining

Listen critically to the audio output while making adjustments. Use spectrum analyzers or real-time audio monitoring tools to visualize frequency responses and ensure that EQ-doubling enhances the audio without overpowering or masking other elements.



In conclusion, setting up EQ-doubling combination effects in AU plugins can significantly elevate the quality and clarity of audio productions. By strategically layering EQ instances and fine-tuning parameters, audio engineers can achieve a balanced and professional sound that meets the specific requirements of their projects.


This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing EQ-doubling techniques in AU plugins, emphasizing the importance of experimentation and critical listening in achieving optimal results.



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